Now you may get quite familiar with the operations, let's try some more interesting project and find more possibilities of your board.
📄️ LED switch
Program your board to build a LED switch. When you press the button, the LED turns on. When you release it, the LED turns off.
📄️ Blink rate
Program your board in Swift to change the blink rate of the LED using a potentiometer.
📄️ Blink with timer
Use a timer to blink the built-in LED on your microcontroller board using several lines of Swift code.
📄️ Brightness control
Program in Swift to control the brightness of an LED using a potentiometer.
📄️ RGB breathing LEDs
Make three LEDs to brighten and dim one by one. So you will use the array to realize it using Swift.
📄️ Debounce
Blink an LED using your board and know about digital signal.
📄️ PWM sound output
Program your microcontroller board in Swift to drive a buzzer. It will generate PWM signals to make the buzzer play a scale.
📄️ PWM melody
Make your microcontroller board output designated PWM signals. So the buzzer can generate a piece of music.