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In this section, you will learn the common peripherals on MCUs with modules on the kit and try several interesting projects.

What you'll learn

Each tutorial gets you familiar with peripheral usage by working with a new module. While trying the projects, you will also learn how to program hardware using Swift language.

Don't worry if you don't understand them now. You will figure them out one by one.

Tutorial structure

Each tutorial consists of several parts:

  • Background: it introduces the basic knowledge of the related peripherals on MCU.
  • New component: it introduces the components/modules you'll use in your project.
  • New concept: it introduces some basic concepts to get started with the following projects.
  • Circuit: it tells which module is used and its circuit diagram in a simplified way.
  • API: it lists the class and its methods used in your code.
  • Projects: there will be several projects in each tutorial for you to get familiar with the hardware and code usage.

If you have experience in hardware, you could skip the background knowledge part and go directly to the projects. Or if you are a Swift programmer, you could omit the code explanation for each project.