Play music with speaker
Welcome to this tutorial about speakers! If you've ever listened to music, watched a movie, or even heard the sound of your own voice through a microphone, you've encountered a speaker. In this tutorial, you'll explore the components of a speaker, how they work, and how to use them in your own projects. Let's get started!
Learning goals
- Learn how a speaker produces different sounds.
- Understand the difference between buzzer and speaker.
- Have a general idea of I2S protocol.
- Know about different sound waveforms.
- Learn about audio sampling.
- Realize the difference between WAVE and MP3 files.
🔸Circuit - Speaker
The speaker connects to the chip MAX98357. And the chip connects to I2S0 (SYNC0, BCLK0, TX0).
Speaker Pin | SwiftIO Micro Pin |
3V3 | 3V3 |
SD | - |
RX | I2S0 (TX) |
BCLK | I2S0 (BCLK) |
SYNC | I2S0 (SYNC) |
The circuits above are simplified versions for your reference. Download the schematics here.
By connecting the pin SD on the Speaker module to GND directly, you can set the MAX98357 into shutdown mode.
1. Playing scales
Different waveforms can generate different sounds. In this project, you will generate a square wave and a triangle wave manually. Then play scales using two sounds.
Example code
You can download the project source code here.
// Import the SwiftIO library to control input and output.
import SwiftIO
// Import the MadBoard to use the id of the pins.
import MadBoard
// Initialize the speaker using I2S communication.
// The default setting is 16k sample rate, 16bit sample bits.
let speaker = I2S(Id.I2S0)
// The frequencies of note C to B in octave 4.
let frequency: [Float] = [
// Set the samples of the waveforms.
let sampleRate = 16_000
let rawSampleLength = 1000
var rawSamples = [Int16](repeating: 0, count: rawSampleLength)
var amplitude: Int16 = 10_000
while true {
let duration: Float = 1.0
// Iterate through the frequencies from C to B to play a scale.
// The sound waveform is a square wave, so you will hear a buzzing sound.
generateSquare(amplitude: amplitude, &rawSamples)
for f in frequency {
playWave(samples: rawSamples, frequency: f, duration: duration)
sleep(ms: 1000)
// Iterate through the frequencies from C to B to play a scale.
// The sound waveform is a triangle wave, and the sound is much softer.
generateTriangle(amplitude: amplitude, &rawSamples)
for f in frequency {
playWave(samples: rawSamples, frequency: f, duration: duration)
sleep(ms: 1000)
// Decrease the amplitude to lower the sound.
// If it's smaller than zero, it restarts from 20000.
amplitude -= 1000
if amplitude <= 0 {
amplitude = 10_000
// Generate samples for a square wave with a specified amplitude and store them in an array.
func generateSquare(amplitude: Int16, _ samples: inout [Int16]) {
let count = samples.count
for i in 0..<count / 2 {
samples[i] = -amplitude
for i in count / 2..<count {
samples[i] = amplitude
// Generate samples for a triangle wave with a specified amplitude and store the them in an array.
func generateTriangle(amplitude: Int16, _ samples: inout [Int16]) {
let count = samples.count
let step = Float(amplitude) / Float(count / 2)
for i in 0..<count / 4 {
samples[i] = Int16(step * Float(i))
for i in count / 4..<count / 4 * 3 {
samples[i] = amplitude - Int16(step * Float(i))
for i in count / 4 * 3..<count {
samples[i] = -amplitude + Int16(step * Float(i))
// Send the samples over I2s bus and play the note with a specified frequency and duration.
func playWave(samples: [Int16], frequency: Float, duration: Float) {
let playCount = Int(duration * Float(sampleRate))
var data = [Int16](repeating: 0, count: playCount)
let step: Float = frequency * Float(samples.count) / Float(sampleRate)
var volume: Float = 1.0
let volumeStep = 1.0 / Float(playCount)
for i in 0..<playCount {
let pos = Int(Float(i) * step) % samples.count
data[i] = Int16(Float(samples[pos]) * volume)
volume -= volumeStep
data.withUnsafeBytes { ptr in
let u8Array = ptr.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self)
Code analysis
import SwiftIO
import MadBoard
Import the SwiftIO
library to set I2S communication and the MadBoard
to use pin ids.
let speaker = I2S(Id.I2S0)
Initialize an I2S
interface reserved for the speaker. It will have a 16k sample rate and 16-bit sample depth by default.
let frequency: [Float] = [261.626, 293.665, 329.628, 349.228, 391.995, 440.000, 493.883]
Store frequencies for note C, D, E, F, G, A, B in octave 4. That constitutes a scale, which will be played by the speaker.
let sampleRate = 16_000
let rawSampleLength = 1000
var rawSamples = [Int16](repeating: 0, count: rawSampleLength)
var amplitude: Int16 = 10_000
Define the parameters for the audio data:
- The signal is sampled at 16000 Hz, so there will be 16000 data per second.
decides the count of samples of the generated waves in a period.rawSamples
stores the samples of the audio signal in a period. At first, all values are filled with 0 and the count is decided byrawSampleLength
is the peak value of the wave and should be positive.
func generateSquare(amplitude: Int16, _ samples: inout [Int16]) {
let count = samples.count
for i in 0..<count / 2 {
samples[i] = -amplitude
for i in count / 2..<count {
samples[i] = amplitude
This newly defined function allows you to generate a periodic square wave. You only need to calculate the samples in one period. The other periods of waves will repeat these samples. The parameter samples
needs an array to store the audio data, so it is set as inout
to be changed inside the function.
A square wave has only two states (0 and 1), so the calculation is quite simple. The first half samples are all negative, and samples of the second half are positive. Their values are all decided by the parameter amplitude
func generateTriangle(amplitude: Int16, _ samples: inout [Int16]) {
let count = samples.count
let step = Float(amplitude) / Float(count / 2)
for i in 0..<count / 4 {
samples[i] = Int16(step * Float(i))
for i in count / 4..<count / 4 * 3 {
samples[i] = amplitude - Int16(step * Float(i))
for i in count / 4 * 3..<count {
samples[i] = -amplitude + Int16(step * Float(i))
This function is used to generate samples for a triangle wave in a period. The constant count
is the total of audio samples. The step
is the change between two continuous samples.
The samples change linearly and are divided into three parts:
- At first, the samples gradually increase to the maximum (
). - In the second part, the samples decrease from the maximum (
) to the minimum (minusamplitude
). - In the third part, the samples go up from the minimum (minus
func playWave(samples: [Int16], frequency: Float, duration: Float) {
let playCount = Int(duration * Float(sampleRate))
var data = [Int16](repeating: 0, count: playCount)
let step: Float = frequency * Float(samples.count) / Float(sampleRate)
var volume: Float = 1.0
let volumeStep = 1.0 / Float(playCount)
for i in 0..<playCount {
let pos = Int(Float(i) * step) % samples.count
data[i] = Int16(Float(samples[pos]) * volume)
volume -= volumeStep
data.withUnsafeBytes { ptr in
let u8Array = ptr.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self)
This function sends the samples to audio devices over an I2S bus.
calculates the total amount of samples.sampleRate
is the amount of samples in 1s, andduration
is a specified time in seconds. If the note duration is 2 seconds and the sample rate is 16000Hz, the sample count equals 32000. -
The array
is used to store the audio data for the speaker. All elements are 0 by default, whose count equals the count of samples calculated before. -
To better understand the constant
, assuming a square wave that has 20 samples in a period. Its frequency is 2Hz. Therefore, there will be 40 samples in total in one second. If the audio sample rate is at 10Hz, it needs only 10 samples in one second. So you can choose some of the samples: 1 sample every 4 samples, like samples[0], samples[4]... So the step here is 20 * 2 / 10 = 4.
are used to reduce the volume of each note, so it sounds more natural. You could delete the statementvolume -= volumeStep
and see how it sounds. If theplayCount
is 10, thevolume
will be 1, 0,9, 0.8... for each data to fade out the sound. -
In the
loop, you will store the desired samples into the arraydata
gets the index of the sample insamples
. In the wave above, thepos
is 0, 4, 8, 12, 16. Whenpos
equals 20, it refers to the first sample in the next period. The samples are the same with those in the first peropd, so it restarts from 0. After the samples are multiplied by volume, you get gradually decreased sound. -
Send the data using I2S communication so that the speaker plays the note.
while true {
let duration: Float = 1.0
generateSquare(amplitude: amplitude, &rawSamples)
for f in frequency {
playWave(samples: rawSamples, frequency: f, duration: duration)
sleep(ms: 1000)
generateTriangle(amplitude: amplitude, &rawSamples)
for f in frequency {
playWave(samples: rawSamples, frequency: f, duration: duration)
sleep(ms: 1000)
amplitude -= 1000
if amplitude <= 0 {
amplitude = 10_000
In the while loop, the speaker will play scales over and over again.
- At first, the samples are generated from a square wave. Then use these samples to play a scale. So the sound is like what you hear from a buzzer.
- After that, the samples are from a triangle wave. So the sound is softer and clearer.
- The
decreases to turn down the speaker. The sound will be lower after each while loop until it reaches the minimum. Thenamplitude
increase to the maximum and repeats the variation.
2. Music player
Play music using the speaker. You can also pass other scores to play the music.
Music notes
Let's explore some common concepts in music together.
A standard piano keyboard typically consists of 88 keys, ranging from A0 to C8. Each key represents a different musical pitch or frequency from low to high.
A half step, or semitone, is the smallest interval between notes. The interval between the key A and key A# is a half step. Two half steps constitute a whole step, like the interval between A and B.
Beat is a basic unit of time in music. When you tap your toes along with a song, you actually follow its beat.
In music, all beats are divided into multiple sections, called measures or bars. A measure usually consists of several beats.
A quarter note is the common note length in music and has one beat. Then other notes are based on it: a half note has two beats, a whole note has four beats, an eighth note has a half beat, etc.
Time signature describes the count of beats in a measure and tells which note serves as one beat. 4/4 time signature is the most widely used. In this case, a measure has 4 beats, and a quarter note is one beat, an eighth note is one half beat, etc. 2/4 means 2 beats per measure and a quarter note serves as one beat. You could learn more about it here.
BPM, or beat per minute, measures the tempo of a piece of music. For example, 60 BPM means 60 beats in a minute, and each one lasts 1 second.
Project overview
- The score stores the frequency and duration of each note.
- Generate the samples by calculating the sine value at each phase.
- To create a fading effect, the amplitude values of the last samples of each note are decreased gradually over a specified fading duration.
- If there are multiple tracks, the samples from each track can be averaged at specified time intervals.
- Then send the samples to the speaker using I2S communication.
Example code
You can download the project source code here.
- main.swift
- Player.swift
- Note.swift
- Mario.swift
// Play a song using a speaker.
import SwiftIO
import MadBoard
// The sample rate of I2S and Player should be the same.
// Note: the speaker needs stereo channel but only uses the samples of left channel.
// And the frequencies below 200Hz may sound a little fuzzy with this speaker.
let speaker = I2S(Id.I2S0, rate: 16_000)
// BPM is beat count per minute.
// Timer signature specifies beats per bar and note value of a beat.
let player = Player(speaker, sampleRate: 16_000)
player.bpm = Mario.bpm
player.timeSignature = Mario.timeSignature
// Play the music using the tracks.
player.playTracks(Mario.tracks, waveforms: Mario.trackWaveforms, amplitudeRatios: Mario.amplitudeRatios)
while true {
sleep(ms: 1000)
import SwiftIO
/// Play music using the given tracks.
/// The sound sample is generated based on a triangle wave and be sent using I2S protocol.
public class Player {
public typealias NoteInfo = (note: Note, noteValue: Int)
public typealias TimeSignature = (beatsPerBar: Int, noteValuePerBeat: Int)
/// Beats per minute. It sets the speed of the music.
public var bpm: Int = 60
/// The beat count per bar and the note value for a beat.
public var timeSignature: TimeSignature = (4,4)
/// Set the overall note pitch. 12 half steps constitute an octave.
public var halfStep = 0
/// Fade in/out duration for each note in second.
public var fadeDuration: Float = 0.01
let amplitude = 16383
var beatDuration: Float { 60.0 / Float(bpm) }
var sampleRate: Float
var speaker: I2S
var buffer32 = [Int32](repeating: 0, count: 200_000)
var buffer16 = [Int16](repeating: 0, count: 200_000)
/// Initialize a player.
/// - Parameters:
/// - speaker: An I2S interface.
/// - sampleRate: the sample count per second. It should be the same as that of I2S.
public init(_ speaker: I2S, sampleRate: Float) {
self.speaker = speaker
self.sampleRate = sampleRate
/// Calculate and combine the data of all tracks, and then play the sound.
/// - Parameters:
/// - tracks: different tracks of a piece of music. A track consists of
/// notes and note value. For example, note value of a quarter note is 4,
/// note value of a half note is 2.
/// - waveforms: the waveforms for each track used to generate sound samples.
/// - amplitudeRatios: the ratios used to control the sound loudness of each track.
public func playTracks(
_ tracks: [[NoteInfo]],
waveforms: [Waveform],
amplitudeRatios: [Float]
) {
let beatCount = tracks[0].reduce(0) {
$0 + Float(timeSignature.noteValuePerBeat) / Float($1.noteValue)
let barCount = Int(beatCount / Float(timeSignature.beatsPerBar))
for barIndex in 0..<barCount {
getBarData(tracks, barIndex: barIndex, waveforms: waveforms, amplitudeRatios: amplitudeRatios, data: &buffer32)
let count = Int(Float(timeSignature.beatsPerBar) * beatDuration * sampleRate * 2)
for i in 0..<count {
buffer16[i] = Int16(buffer32[i] / Int32(tracks.count))
sendData(data: buffer16, count: count)
/// Calculate all data of the track and play the sound.
/// - Parameters:
/// - track: score of a melody in forms of notes and note value.
/// For example, note value of a quarter note is 4, note value of a half note is 2.
/// - waveform: the waveform used to generate sound samples.
/// - amplitudeRatio: the ratio used to control the sound loudness.
public func playTrack(
_ track: [NoteInfo],
waveform: Waveform,
amplitudeRatio: Float
) {
for noteInfo in track {
playNote(noteInfo, waveform: waveform, amplitudeRatio: amplitudeRatio)
/// Generate data for specified note and play the sound.
/// - Parameters:
/// - noteInfo: the notes and its note value.
/// - waveform: the waveform used to generate sound samples.
/// - amplitudeRatio: the ratio used to control the sound loudness.
public func playNote(
_ noteInfo: NoteInfo,
waveform: Waveform,
amplitudeRatio: Float
) {
let duration = calculateNoteDuration(noteInfo.noteValue)
var frequency: Float = 0
if noteInfo.note == .rest {
frequency = 0
} else {
frequency = frequencyTable[noteInfo.note.rawValue + halfStep]!
let sampleCount = Int(duration * sampleRate)
for i in 0..<sampleCount {
let sample = getNoteSample(
at: i, frequency: frequency,
noteDuration: duration,
waveform: waveform,
amplitudeRatio: amplitudeRatio)
buffer16[i * 2] = sample
buffer16[i * 2 + 1] = sample
sendData(data: buffer16, count: sampleCount * 2)
extension Player {
/// Calculate data of all notes in a bar.
func getBarData(
_ tracks: [[NoteInfo]],
barIndex: Int,
waveforms: [Waveform],
amplitudeRatios: [Float],
data: inout [Int32]
) {
for i in data.indices {
data[i] = 0
for trackIndex in tracks.indices {
let track = tracks[trackIndex]
let noteIndices = getNotesInBar(at: barIndex, in: track)
var start = 0
for index in noteIndices {
noteInfo: track[index],
startIndex: start,
waveform: waveforms[trackIndex],
amplitudeRatio: amplitudeRatios[trackIndex],
data: &data)
start += Int(calculateNoteDuration(track[index].noteValue) * sampleRate * 2)
/// Calculate data of a note.
func getNoteData(
noteInfo: NoteInfo,
startIndex: Int,
waveform: Waveform,
amplitudeRatio: Float,
data: inout [Int32]
) {
guard noteInfo.noteValue > 0 else { return }
let duration = calculateNoteDuration(noteInfo.noteValue)
var frequency: Float = 0
if noteInfo.note == .rest {
frequency = 0
} else {
frequency = frequencyTable[noteInfo.note.rawValue + halfStep]!
for i in 0..<Int(duration * sampleRate) {
let sample = Int32(getNoteSample(at: i, frequency: frequency, noteDuration: duration, waveform: waveform, amplitudeRatio: amplitudeRatio))
data[i * 2 + startIndex] += sample
data[i * 2 + startIndex + 1] += sample
/// Get the indices of notes in the track within a specified bar.
func getNotesInBar(at barIndex: Int, in track: [NoteInfo]) -> [Int] {
var indices: [Int] = []
var index = 0
var sum: Float = 0
while Float(timeSignature.beatsPerBar * (barIndex + 1)) - sum > 0.1 && index < track.count {
sum += Float(timeSignature.noteValuePerBeat) / Float(track[index].noteValue)
if sum - Float(timeSignature.beatsPerBar * barIndex) > 0.1 {
index += 1
return indices
/// Send the generated data using I2S protocol to play the sound.
func sendData(data: [Int16], count: Int) {
data.withUnsafeBytes { ptr in
let u8Array = ptr.bindMemory(to: UInt8.self)
speaker.write(Array(u8Array), count: count * 2)
/// Calculate the duration of the given note value in second.
func calculateNoteDuration(_ noteValue: Int) -> Float {
return beatDuration * (Float(timeSignature.noteValuePerBeat) / Float(noteValue))
/// Calculate a sample at a specified index of a note.
/// The samples within fade (in/out) duration will be reduced to get a more
/// natural sound effect.
func getNoteSample(
at index: Int,
frequency: Float,
noteDuration: Float,
waveform: Waveform,
amplitudeRatio: Float
) -> Int16 {
if frequency == 0 { return 0 }
var sample: Float = 0
switch waveform {
case .square:
sample = getSquareSample(at: index, frequency: frequency, amplitudeRatio: amplitudeRatio)
case .triangle:
sample = getTriangleSample(at: index, frequency: frequency, amplitudeRatio: amplitudeRatio)
let fadeInEnd = Int(fadeDuration * sampleRate)
let fadeOutStart = Int((noteDuration - fadeDuration) * sampleRate)
let fadeSampleCount = fadeDuration * sampleRate
let sampleCount = Int(noteDuration * sampleRate)
switch index {
case 0..<fadeInEnd:
sample *= Float(index) / fadeSampleCount
case fadeOutStart..<sampleCount:
sample *= Float(sampleCount - index) / fadeSampleCount
return Int16(sample * Float(amplitude))
/// Calculate the raw sample of a specified point from a triangle wave.
/// It sounds much softer than square wave.
func getTriangleSample(
at index: Int,
frequency: Float,
amplitudeRatio: Float
) -> Float {
let period = sampleRate / frequency
let sawWave = Float(index) / period - Float(Int(Float(index) / period + 0.5))
let triWave = 2 * abs(2 * sawWave) - 1
return triWave * amplitudeRatio
/// Calculate the raw sample of a specified point from a square wave.
/// The sound from it will sound a little sharp.
func getSquareSample(at index: Int,
frequency: Float,
amplitudeRatio: Float
) -> Float {
let period = Int(sampleRate / frequency)
if index % period < period / 2 {
return -amplitudeRatio
} else {
return amplitudeRatio
public enum Waveform {
case square
case triangle
/// The table is listed to raise note pitch more easily by changing half steps.
let frequencyTable: [Int: Float] = [
0 : 0 ,
1 : 27.5 ,
2 : 29.1352 ,
3 : 30.8677 ,
4 : 32.7032 ,
5 : 34.6478 ,
6 : 36.7081 ,
7 : 38.8909 ,
8 : 41.2034 ,
9 : 43.6535 ,
10 : 46.2493 ,
11 : 48.9994 ,
12 : 51.9131 ,
13 : 55 ,
14 : 58.2705 ,
15 : 61.7354 ,
16 : 65.4064 ,
17 : 69.2957 ,
18 : 73.4162 ,
19 : 77.7817 ,
20 : 82.4069 ,
21 : 87.3071 ,
22 : 92.4986 ,
23 : 97.9989 ,
24 : 103.826 ,
25 : 110 ,
26 : 116.541 ,
27 : 123.471 ,
28 : 130.813 ,
29 : 138.591 ,
30 : 146.832 ,
31 : 155.563 ,
32 : 164.814 ,
33 : 174.614 ,
34 : 184.997 ,
35 : 195.998 ,
36 : 207.652 ,
37 : 220 ,
38 : 233.082 ,
39 : 246.942 ,
40 : 261.626 ,
41 : 277.183 ,
42 : 293.665 ,
43 : 311.127 ,
44 : 329.628 ,
45 : 349.228 ,
46 : 369.994 ,
47 : 391.995 ,
48 : 415.305 ,
49 : 440 ,
50 : 466.164 ,
51 : 493.883 ,
52 : 523.251 ,
53 : 554.365 ,
54 : 587.33 ,
55 : 622.254 ,
56 : 659.255 ,
57 : 698.456 ,
58 : 739.989 ,
59 : 783.991 ,
60 : 830.609 ,
61 : 880 ,
62 : 932.328 ,
63 : 987.767 ,
64 : 1046.5 ,
65 : 1108.73 ,
66 : 1174.66 ,
67 : 1244.51 ,
68 : 1318.51 ,
69 : 1396.91 ,
70 : 1479.98 ,
71 : 1567.98 ,
72 : 1661.22 ,
73 : 1760 ,
74 : 1864.66 ,
75 : 1975.53 ,
76 : 2093 ,
77 : 2217.46 ,
78 : 2349.32 ,
79 : 2489.02 ,
80 : 2637.02 ,
81 : 2793.83 ,
82 : 2959.96 ,
83 : 3135.96 ,
84 : 3322.44 ,
85 : 3520 ,
86 : 3729.31 ,
87 : 3951.07 ,
88 : 4186.01
public enum Note: Int {
case A0 = 1
case AS0 = 2
case B0 = 3
case C1 = 4
case CS1 = 5
case D1 = 6
case DS1 = 7
case E1 = 8
case F1 = 9
case FS1 = 10
case G1 = 11
case GS1 = 12
case A1 = 13
case AS1 = 14
case B1 = 15
case C2 = 16
case CS2 = 17
case D2 = 18
case DS2 = 19
case E2 = 20
case F2 = 21
case FS2 = 22
case G2 = 23
case GS2 = 24
case A2 = 25
case AS2 = 26
case B2 = 27
case C3 = 28
case CS3 = 29
case D3 = 30
case DS3 = 31
case E3 = 32
case F3 = 33
case FS3 = 34
case G3 = 35
case GS3 = 36
case A3 = 37
case AS3 = 38
case B3 = 39
case C4 = 40
case CS4 = 41
case D4 = 42
case DS4 = 43
case E4 = 44
case F4 = 45
case FS4 = 46
case G4 = 47
case GS4 = 48
case A4 = 49
case AS4 = 50
case B4 = 51
case C5 = 52
case CS5 = 53
case D5 = 54
case DS5 = 55
case E5 = 56
case F5 = 57
case FS5 = 58
case G5 = 59
case GS5 = 60
case A5 = 61
case AS5 = 62
case B5 = 63
case C6 = 64
case CS6 = 65
case D6 = 66
case DS6 = 67
case E6 = 68
case F6 = 69
case FS6 = 70
case G6 = 71
case GS6 = 72
case A6 = 73
case AS6 = 74
case B6 = 75
case C7 = 76
case CS7 = 77
case D7 = 78
case DS7 = 79
case E7 = 80
case F7 = 81
case FS7 = 82
case G7 = 83
case GS7 = 84
case A7 = 85
case AS7 = 86
case B7 = 87
case C8 = 88
case rest = 0
struct Mario {
static let track0: [Player.NoteInfo] = [
// Bar1
(.E5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar2
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar3
(.G4, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.G5, 12),
(.A5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.G5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar4
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar5 (3)
(.G4, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.G5, 12),
(.A5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.G5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar6
(.rest, 8),
(.G5, 16),
(.FS5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
// Bar7
(.rest, 8),
(.G5, 16),
(.FS5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C6, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C6, 16),
(.C6, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar8 (6)
(.rest, 8),
(.G5, 16),
(.FS5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
// Bar9
(.rest, 8),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar10 (6)
(.rest, 8),
(.G5, 16),
(.FS5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
// Bar11 (7)
(.rest, 8),
(.G5, 16),
(.FS5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C6, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C6, 16),
(.C6, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar12 (6)
(.rest, 8),
(.G5, 16),
(.FS5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
// Bar13 (9)
(.rest, 8),
(.DS5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar14
(.C5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar15
(.C5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 2),
// Bar16 (14)
(.C5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar17 (1)
(.E5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar18 (2)
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar19 (3)
(.G4, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.G5, 12),
(.A5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.G5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar20 (4)
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar21 (3)
(.G4, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.G5, 12),
(.A5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.G5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar22
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar23
(.B4, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.G5, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar24 (22)
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar25
(.B4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.D5, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar26 (22)
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar27 (23)
(.B4, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.G5, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar28 (22)
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar29 (25)
(.B4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.D5, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar30 (14)
(.C5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar31 (15)
(.C5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 2),
// Bar32 (14)
(.C5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar33 (1)
(.E5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.E5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar34 (22)
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar35 (23)
(.B4, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.A5, 12),
(.G5, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar36 (22)
(.E5, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar37 (25)
(.B4, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.D5, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
static let track1: [Player.NoteInfo] = [
// Bar1
(.FS4, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar2
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.G3, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.CS4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar3
(.C4, 12),
(.G4, 12),
(.B4, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar4 (2)
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.G3, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.CS4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar5 (3)
(.C4, 12),
(.G4, 12),
(.B4, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar6
(.rest, 8),
(.E5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
// Bar7
(.rest, 8),
(.E5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar8 (6)
(.rest, 8),
(.E5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
// Bar9
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar10 (6)
(.rest, 8),
(.E5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
// Bar11 (7)
(.rest, 8),
(.E5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.F5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar12 (6)
(.rest, 8),
(.E5, 16),
(.DS5, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
// Bar13 (9)
(.rest, 8),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.rest, 4),
// Bar14
(.GS4, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar15
(.GS4, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 2),
// Bar16 (14)
(.A4, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar17 (1)
(.FS4, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.FS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar18 (2)
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.G3, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.CS4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar19 (3)
(.C4, 12),
(.G4, 12),
(.B4, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar20 (2)
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.G3, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.CS4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
// Bar21 (3)
(.C4, 12),
(.G4, 12),
(.B4, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.B4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.D4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar22
(.C5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar23
(.G4, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.D5, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar24 (22)
(.C5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar25
(.G4, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.D5, 12),
(.C5, 12),
(.B4, 12),
(.G4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar26 (22)
(.C5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar27 (23)
(.G4, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.F5, 12),
(.E5, 12),
(.D5, 12),
(.C5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar28 (22)
(.C5, 16),
(.A4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 8),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.C5, 16),
(.F4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar29 (25)
(.G4, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.D5, 16),
(.D5, 12),
(.C5, 12),
(.B4, 12),
(.G4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar30 (14)
(.GS4, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar31 (15)
(.GS4, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.rest, 2),
// Bar32 (14)
(.GS4, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.GS4, 16),
(.AS4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.G4, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.E4, 16),
(.C4, 16),
(.rest, 16),
(.rest, 8),
// Bar33 (1)
(.FS4, 16),
(.FS4, 16),