Let's play the pong game in this project. You rotate the potentiometers (A0, A11) to move two paddles in order to hit the ball back and forth.
The two potentiometers (A0, A11) are used to move paddles. The button (D1) is used to reset the game. The speaker (I2S0) plays sound effects during the game.
Project overview
- The game will start with the ball moving at a specified speed from its starting position. The ball will move in both the x and y directions.
- Each player rotates a potentiometer to move the paddle in order to hit the ball.
- Handle collision:
- Wall Collision: If the ball collides with the top or bottom wall, it will bounce off and change its vertical direction.
- Paddle Collision: If the ball collides with a paddle, it will bounce off and change its horizontal direction.
- Scoring:
- If a player fails to hit the ball and it passes the paddle, the opponent will score a point. The ball's position and speed will be reset for the next serve.
- If either player reaches the score limit, the game ends.
- The players can press the reset button to start a new game with scores reset to zero.
Example code
You can download the project source code here.
- Pong.swift
- Game.swift
// Import the SwiftIO to control all the pins.
import SwiftIO
// Import MadBoard to use the pin ids.
import MadBoard
// Import ST7789 driver to communicate with the screen.
import ST7789
public struct Pong {
public static func main() {
let speaker = I2S(Id.I2S0, rate: 44_100)
// Initialize the SPI pin.
let spi = SPI(Id.SPI0, speed: 30_000_000)
// Initialize the pins used for the screen.
let bl = DigitalOut(Id.D2)
let rst = DigitalOut(Id.D12)
let dc = DigitalOut(Id.D13)
let cs = DigitalOut(Id.D5)
// Initialize the LCD using the pins above.
// Rotate the screen to keep the original at the upper left.
let screen = ST7789(spi: spi, cs: cs, dc: dc, rst: rst, bl: bl, rotation: .angle90)
// Initialize the analog pins for the potentiometers.
let leftPot = AnalogIn(Id.A0)
let rightPot = AnalogIn(Id.A11)
// Initialize the pin for the button used to reset the game.
let resetButton = DigitalIn(Id.D1)
// Start the game.
var game = PongGame(leftPot: leftPot, rightPot: rightPot, screen: screen, speaker: speaker)
var lastButtonState = false
while true {
/// Check if the reset button is pressed.
if resetButton.read() {
lastButtonState = true
/// Reset the game after the button is released.
if !resetButton.read() && lastButtonState {
lastButtonState = false
// Play the game.
// Rotate the potentiometers to move two paddles on the screen to hit the ball.
// If the ball hits the wall, the opposite player scores.
sleep(ms: 10)
import ST7789
import SwiftIO
typealias Point = (x: Int, y: Int)
struct PongGame {
var leftPlayer: Paddle
var rightPlayer: Paddle
let leftPot: AnalogIn
let rightPot: AnalogIn
let speaker: I2S
var ball: Ball
let screen: ST7789
let window: Window
var hitBallSound: [UInt8] = []
var hitWallSound: [UInt8] = []
var scoreSound: [UInt8] = []
var startTime: UInt = 0
let padding: Int
init(leftPot: AnalogIn, rightPot: AnalogIn, screen: ST7789, speaker: I2S) {
self.leftPot = leftPot
self.rightPot = rightPot
self.screen = screen
self.speaker = speaker
padding = (screen.width - Constants.windowWidth) / 2
window = Window(
x: padding,
y: screen.height - Constants.windowHeight - padding,
width: Constants.windowWidth,
height: Constants.windowHeight,
screen: screen
ball = Ball(
x: window.centerX, y: window.centerY,
size: Constants.ballSize,
color: Constants.ballColor,
screen: screen
leftPlayer = Paddle(
x: window.x, y: 0, left: true,
height: Constants.paddleHeight,
width: Constants.paddleWidth,
color: Constants.leftPaddleColor,
screen: screen
rightPlayer = Paddle(
x: window.x1 - Constants.paddleWidth,
y: 0, left: false,
height: Constants.paddleHeight,
width: Constants.paddleWidth,
color: Constants.rightPaddleColor,
screen: screen
hitBallSound = readSoundData(from: "/SD:/Resources/Sounds/hitball.wav")
hitWallSound = readSoundData(from: "/SD:/Resources/Sounds/hitwall.wav")
scoreSound = readSoundData(from: "/SD:/Resources/Sounds/score.wav")
leftPlayer.y = getPaddleY(leftPot)
rightPlayer.y = getPaddleY(rightPot)
startTime = getClockCycle()
// Get the paddle's position within the window based on the value
// from the potentiometer.
func getPaddleY(_ pot: AnalogIn) -> Int {
var sum = 0
for _ in 0..<15 {
sum += pot.readRawValue()
return sum / 15 * (window.height - Constants.paddleHeight) / pot.maxRawValue + window.y
mutating func play() {
if leftPlayer.score < Constants.targetScore &&
rightPlayer.score < Constants.targetScore
// Move the paddles to the position changed by the potentiometers.
rightPlayer.update(newY: getPaddleY(rightPot), bgColor: Constants.bgColor)
leftPlayer.update(newY: getPaddleY(leftPot), bgColor: Constants.bgColor)
// The ball takes one step when time is up.
let stop = getClockCycle()
if cyclesToNanoseconds(start: startTime, stop: stop) / 1000_000 > ball.movePeriod {
startTime = stop
// Store the ball's previous position to wipe it from the screen.
let lastPos = (ball.x, ball.y)
// Update the position of the ball.
if ball.hitWall(window: window) {
ball.updateAfterHitWall(window: window)
print(ball.x, ball.y)
// If the ball hits left/right paddle, change the ball's
// direction to bounce it in an opposite direction.
// The speed of the ball will then increase a bit.
if leftPlayer.hit(ball) {
} else if rightPlayer.hit(ball) {
// If the ball hits the wall which means the paddle misses the ball,
// 1. add point to opposite one's score,
// 2. move the ball to starting point,
// 3. set ball's direction to the opposite.
if leftPlayer.miss(ball, window: window) {
// Add point to opposite one's score.
rightPlayer.score += 1
updateScoreBoard(left: false)
startTime = getClockCycle()
// Ensure the target score isn't reached.
if rightPlayer.score < Constants.targetScore {
// Start next game after a specified time interval.
while cyclesToNanoseconds(start: startTime, stop: getClockCycle()) / 1000_000 < Constants.interval {
sleep(ms: 1)
// Clear the ball at the previous position.
ball.draw(at: lastPos, Constants.bgColor)
// Draw the ball at starting point.
ball.reset(in: window)
startTime = getClockCycle()
} else if rightPlayer.score == Constants.targetScore {
updateDefeatedScoreBoard(left: true)
} else if rightPlayer.miss(ball, window: window) {
leftPlayer.score += 1
updateScoreBoard(left: true)
startTime = getClockCycle()
if leftPlayer.score < Constants.targetScore {
while cyclesToNanoseconds(start: startTime, stop: getClockCycle()) / 1000_000 < Constants.interval {
sleep(ms: 1)
ball.draw(at: lastPos, Constants.bgColor)
ball.reset(in: window)
startTime = getClockCycle()
} else if leftPlayer.score == Constants.targetScore {
updateDefeatedScoreBoard(left: false)
} else {
// Update ball's position on the screen.
ball.update(lastPos: lastPos, bgColor: Constants.bgColor)
func readSoundData(from path: String) -> [UInt8] {
let headerSize = 0x2C
guard let file = try? FileDescriptor.open(path) else {
print("Read sound data \(path) failed!")
return []
var buffer = [UInt8]()
do {
try file.seek(offset: 0, from: FileDescriptor.SeekOrigin.end)
let size = try file.tell() - headerSize
buffer = [UInt8](repeating: 0, count: size)
try buffer.withUnsafeMutableBytes { rawBuffer in
_ = try file.read(fromAbsoluteOffest: headerSize, into: rawBuffer, count: size)
try file.close()
} catch {
print("File \(path) handle error: \(error)")
return []
return buffer
// Update the score board after gaining a point.
func updateScoreBoard(left: Bool) {
var x: Int
var color: UInt16
if left {
x = Constants.scoreSize * (leftPlayer.score - 1) + padding
color = leftPlayer.color
} else {
x = screen.width - Constants.scoreSize * rightPlayer.score - padding
color = rightPlayer.color
screen.drawRect(at: (x, padding), width: Constants.scoreSize, height: Constants.scoreSize, color: color)
// Turn the score board of the defeated player into gray one.
func updateDefeatedScoreBoard(left: Bool) {
let gray: UInt16 = 0x1084
let totalWidth = Constants.targetScore * Constants.scoreSize
if left {
at: (padding, padding),
width: totalWidth,
height: Constants.scoreSize,
stroke: 1, color: gray)
at: (padding, padding),
width: Constants.scoreSize * leftPlayer.score,
height: Constants.scoreSize,
color: gray
} else {
at: (screen.width - padding - totalWidth, padding),
width: totalWidth,
height: Constants.scoreSize,
stroke: 1, color: gray)
let width = rightPlayer.score * Constants.scoreSize
at: (screen.width - padding - width, padding),
width: width,
height: Constants.scoreSize,
color: gray
// Reset the game.
mutating func reset() {
// Draw score board for two players.
let width = Constants.targetScore * Constants.scoreSize
at: (padding, padding),
width: width, height: Constants.scoreSize,
stroke: 1, color: Constants.leftPaddleColor)
at: (screen.width - padding - width, padding),
width: width, height: Constants.scoreSize,
stroke: 1, color: Constants.rightPaddleColor)
leftPlayer.score = 0
rightPlayer.score = 0
ball.reset(in: window)
// Store constants used in the game and you only need to change them in one place.
struct Constants {
static let bgColor: UInt16 = 0xFFFF
static let paddleWidth = 8
static let paddleHeight = 30
static let leftPaddleColor: UInt16 = 0x20FD
static let rightPaddleColor: UInt16 = 0x1FF8
static let targetScore = 5
static let scoreSize = 10
static let ballSize = 8
static let ballColor: UInt16 = 0xE007
static let ballInitialMovingPeriod = 30
static let windowWidth = 230
static let windowHeight = 200
static let windowStroke = 1
static let windowOutline: UInt16 = 0
// Interval in ms before next game starts.
static let interval = 500
// The window where ball and paddles will move around.
struct Window {
let x: Int
let y: Int
let width: Int
let height: Int
let stroke: Int
let screen: ST7789
var x1: Int { x + width }
var y1: Int { y + height }
var centerX: Int { x + width / 2 }
var centerY: Int { y + height / 2 }
x: Int, y: Int,
width: Int, height: Int,
stroke: Int = Constants.windowStroke,
screen: ST7789
) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.stroke = stroke
self.screen = screen
func draw() {
at: (x - stroke, y - stroke),
width: width + stroke * 2,
height: height + stroke * 2,
stroke: Constants.windowStroke,
color: Constants.windowOutline)
struct Ball {
var x: Int
var y: Int
let size: Int
var xSpeed: Int
var ySpeed: Int
// ms
var movePeriod: Int = Constants.ballInitialMovingPeriod
let color: UInt16
let screen: ST7789
let ySpeedOptions = [-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]
init(x: Int, y: Int, size: Int, color: UInt16, screen: ST7789) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.size = size
self.screen = screen
self.color = color
xSpeed = 3
ySpeed = ySpeedOptions.randomElement()!
// Reset the ball's position and speed. Then redraw it.
mutating func reset(in window: Window) {
x = window.centerX
y = Int.random(in: window.centerY-30...window.centerY+30)
movePeriod = Constants.ballInitialMovingPeriod
ySpeed = ySpeedOptions.randomElement()!
draw(at: (x,y), color)
// Update ball's position.
mutating func nextPos() {
x += xSpeed
y += ySpeed
func hitWall(window: Window) -> Bool {
return y < window.y || y > window.y1 - size
mutating func updateAfterHitWall(window: Window) {
y = y < window.y ? window.y : window.y1 - size
// After the ball hits the paddle, update its moving direction to bounce it.
// Besides, speed up ball's movement.
mutating func bounce(_ paddle: Paddle) {
x = paddle.left ? paddle.x + paddle.width : paddle.x - size
if movePeriod > 10 {
movePeriod -= 1
// Draw the ball.
func draw(at pos: Point, _ color: UInt16) {
screen.drawRect(at: pos, width: size, height: size, color: color)
// Clear the ball from its previous position and draw it at new position.
func update(lastPos: Point, bgColor: UInt16) {
screen.update(width: size, height: size, from: lastPos, bgColor: bgColor, to: (x,y), color: color)
struct Paddle {
let x: Int
var y: Int
let left: Bool
let height: Int
let width: Int
let color: UInt16
let screen: ST7789
var score: Int = 0
func draw() {
screen.drawRect(at: (x,y), width: width, height: height, color: color)
// Update paddle's position by wiping it from previous position and redraw
// on its new position.
// The paddle moves vertically, so x coordinate isn't considered.
mutating func update(newY: Int, bgColor: UInt16) {
if newY != y {
screen.update(width: width, height: height, from: (x,y), bgColor: bgColor, to: (x, newY), color: color)
y = newY
// Check if the paddle hits the ball.
func hit(_ ball: Ball) -> Bool {
return (ball.y >= y - ball.size && ball.y <= y + height) &&
(((ball.x > x - ball.size) && !left) || ((ball.x < x + width) && left))
// Check if the paddle misses the ball, that is, the ball hits left/right wall.
func miss(_ ball: Ball, window: Window) -> Bool {
return (left && (ball.x < window.x)) || (!left && (ball.x > window.x1 - width))
extension ST7789 {
func drawRect(at point: Point, width: Int, height: Int, color: UInt16) {
for py in point.y..<(point.y + height) {
for px in point.x..<(point.x + width) {
writePixel(x: px, y: py, color: color)
func drawEmptyRect(at point: Point, width: Int, height: Int, stroke: Int, color: UInt16) {
for w in 0..<width {
for line in 0..<stroke {
writePixel(x: point.x + w, y: point.y + line, color: color)
writePixel(x: point.x + w, y: point.y + height - stroke + line, color: color)
for h in stroke..<height-stroke {
for line in 0..<stroke {
writePixel(x: point.x + line, y: point.y + h, color: color)
writePixel(x: point.x + width - stroke + line, y: point.y + h, color: color)
func update(
width: Int, height: Int,
from lastPos: Point, bgColor: UInt16,
to newPos: Point, color: UInt16)
var x0 = 0
var x1 = 0
if lastPos.x < newPos.x {
x0 = lastPos.x
x1 = newPos.x + width
} else {
x0 = newPos.x
x1 = lastPos.x + width
var y0 = 0
var y1 = 0
if lastPos.y < newPos.y {
y0 = lastPos.y
y1 = newPos.y + height
} else {
y0 = newPos.y
y1 = lastPos.y + height
var buffer = [UInt16](repeating: bgColor, count: (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0))
for py in newPos.y..<newPos.y + height {
for px in newPos.x..<newPos.x + width {
buffer[(py - y0) * (x1 - x0) + (px - x0)] = color
writeBitmap(x: x0, y: y0, width: x1 - x0, height: y1 - y0, data: buffer)
Don't forget to copy the sound files in the demo project to the SD card and insert it into board.